If you want to convert visitors into leads you need Killer Blogging Conversion Tips and you ultimately need to get sticky. In publishing, the “sticky factor” is a term used when a book hits high in the rankings and remains there long after the initial launch.

When converting visitors into leads, you want to implement the same mindset: becoming sticky. You want your visitor to enjoy your website so much that they bookmark it so they remember to return to it time and time again.

So, how do you become sticky? You need to give visitors a reason to return to your blog!

So, the key is to start with pinpointing and evaluating your traffic sources. Why ? You need the right traffic to your blog. By identifying premium traffic sources that you can funnel into your blog, you have cut your work in half.

So when you have the right traffic visiting your blog you need to deliver the content that makes your visitors come back for more Killer Conversion Tips as below.

The 5 Killer Blogging Conversion Tips is :

  • Guest Blogging
  • Offer something for FREE
  • Create a Landing Page
  • Eliminate distractions
  • Take advantage of the power of social proof

Guest Blogging

Post useful, highly informative content on someone’s blog. Piggyback off the authority and credibility of someone in your market and siphon their traffic onto your blog for free!

Guest blogging helps you expand your outreach to social media as quite often these posts will be shared through RSS feeds, twitter, Facebook and through newsletter updates.

Find guest blogging opportunities by google for keyword “submit a guest post” keyword guest blogging”. You can also evaluate backlinks to find blogs to post on. Tip: Guest blog about 5 Killer Blogging Conversion Tips.

Se also How To Get Unlimited Free Leads With Article Marketing

Offer Something For FREE

One easy way to make a lot of money and convert traffic into leads is by offering something for free that others would sell. If you offering something extremely valuable at absolutely no cost it can go viral on social media shares. You can for example give a more detailed version of Guest Blogging Conversion Tips as a downloadable.

Create a Landing Page

Why should you create an Landing page you may ask? If you truly want to increase conversions, you need to immediately stop sending traffic to your blog’s main page instead, create a highly targeted landing page for your audience!

The objective of a landing page is to outline clear value, engage a potential visitor and convert them into a lead. Landing pages aren’t designed to necessarily sell a product. It’s the front-line in your mission of converting a visitor into a lead.

Eliminate distractions

Cut down on the clutter so that your visitors are focused on where you choose to lead them (signing up for your newsletter, purchasing a product, sharing a piece of content).

Take advantage of the power of social proof

Social proof can break down barriers and encourage people into taking action. In simple terms, social proof reinforces trust in your brand, showcases your ability to provide value and demonstrates that other people have faith in your business.

Social proof can include:

  • Testimonials
  • Case Studies
  • Comments
  • Likes (yes! Aren’t you more likely to LIKE a Facebook page that has hundreds of other likes?)
  • Partnerships (logos of other blogs, etc)

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