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How to Become a Master of Persuasion and Attraction Marketing

The art of persuasion has been studied for thousands of years, but it wasn’t until the early 20th century that psychologists began to explore the powerful persuasion techniques formally. Ultimately, the goal of persuasion is to convince the target audience to internalize the persuasive argument and adopt the new attitude as a part of their belief system. Here are a few persuasion techniques that will help you attract more customers and increase sales.

Create a Need

A powerful method of persuasion is to create a need or increasing the appeal of a previously existing need. This kind of persuasion will appeal to a person’s fundamental need for love, shelter, self-actualization, and self-esteem. You can use this strategy to sell your products by telling potential customers that they should purchase your product to feel happy, loved, safe, and admired.

Appeal to Social Needs

Another useful persuasion technique that you can utilize in your business appeals to the need to be popular. Companies use television advertisements to encourage viewers to purchase items so they can be like everyone else.

Get Your Foot in the Door

The “foot in the door” technique is another useful approach to getting people to comply with a request. This involves getting a person to agree to a small request, then following up with a much larger request. By getting them to agree to a small initial favor, you can get your foot in the door, making the person more likely to comply with an even larger request.

Go Big and Then Small

This approach is the opposite of the foot in the door technique, which requires you to begin by making a broad, often unrealistic request. The chances are high that the person will refuse, giving you the opportunity to come back with a much smaller request, which tends to be seen as agreeable. People often feel obligated to respond to these kinds of offers.

Create an Anchor Point

A subtle, cognitive bias, known as the anchoring bias, can have a powerful influence on negotiations. When someone is trying to arrive at a decision, the first offer made tends to become the anchoring point for all future negotiations. The first number you suggest will become the starting point and can lead to a higher offer in the end.

These are just a few examples of the powerful techniques you can use to persuade people to purchase your products or services. Take the time to look for examples of persuasion in your daily experience and consider which ones you might be able to use to benefit your business.

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